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catz finefood 的诞生源于对猫咪深切的热爱与激情。我们理解我们的猫咪朋友不仅仅是宠物,更是您家庭中珍贵的一员。因此,几十年来,我们不懈地进行研究和开发,制定食谱,将您的猫咪的健康和幸福置于首位。我们的旅程始于一个简单的信念:我们吃什么,我们就成为什么,我们一直致力于传达这一理念

今天,我们非常激动地与您分享我们为更好地服务您已踏出的重要一步。为了能够提供更加稳定的产品供应,以满足中国市场不断增长的需求,并推广纯湿粮饮食理念, catz finefood 决定在中国建立全新的高端猫粮产品线,同时继续在德国生产我们原有的产品系列。

这个决策并非轻率之举。我们精心挑选了一家位于中国的先进制造工厂,中誉宠物食品(漯河)有限公司(以下简称中誉),他们坚守着与 catz finefood 一致的严格质量标准和对卓越的承诺,正如您一直期望的那样。此外,我们非常高兴地宣布与 Penefit International. Co., Ltd 和深圳派菲爱宠贸易有限公司(以下简称:派菲爱宠)合作,这是一家在宠物食品品牌管理和客户服务行业上经验丰富且值得信赖的公司。

我们与中誉分享了catz finefood 的产品配方,并建立了符合德国标准的生产要求和原材料要求。而派菲爱宠将会协助我们确保 catz finefood 产品在中国的生产过程符合我们的严格标准。代表我们向工厂提供我们需要监督的检测项目和工艺标准,以确保我们的每一罐猫粮都保持着您一直信任的高质量和营养价值。

此外,在与派菲爱宠的合作之下,我们在去年启动了一系列客户调查,以更好地了解中国消费者对于 catz finefood 在中国本地生产决策的看法。


感谢您成为 catz finefood 大家庭的一部分。让我们期待即将推出的新奇产品!

Dear valued customers in China,

catz finefood was born out of a deep love and passion for cats. We understand that our feline friends are not just pets but cherished members of your families. That's why, for decades, we have tirelessly researched and developed recipes that prioritize the health and happiness of your cats. Our journey started with a simple belief: we are what we eat, and we have dedicated ourselves to delivering precisely that.

Today, we are excited to share with you our latest step towards better serving you, our valued customers. In order to provide a more stable supply of our products to meet the growing demand in China, and to promote the idea of exclusively wet food diet, catz finefood has decided to establish a new premium cat food product line in China while continuing our original product lines in Germany.

This decision was not made lightly. We have carefully selected a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in China, Petideal Pet Food(Luohe)Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Petideal), that adheres to the same rigorous quality standards and commitment to excellence that you have come to expect from catz finefood. What's more, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Penefit International Co., Ltd & Shenzhen Paifei Aichong Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Penefit), a trusted and experienced company in the field of pet food brand management and customer services.

Furthermore, we have shared catz finefood's product formula with Petideal and established production and ingredient requirements that align with German standards. Penefit will play a vital role in ensuring that the production process of catz finefood products in China meets our strict standards. They will provide expert supervision and oversight, ensuring that every can of our cat food maintains the same high quality and nutritional value that you have come to trust.

Furthermore, in collaboration with Penefit, we launched a series of customer surveys last year to better understand the opinions of Chinese consumers regarding catz finefood's decision to manufacture locally.

Our promise to you remains the same: to provide the best possible nutrition for your feline friends. By manufacturing locally in China, we aim to bring our top-quality cat food closer to your homes and ensure its availability in the quantities you require.

Thank you for being a part of the catz finefood family. Let's look forward to intriguing new products on the horizon!